Let’s face it we all love a great story. As a kid story time was one of my favorite activities, it allowed me to escape to imaginary places & meet all kinds of interesting characters. Often times we are so busy that we don’t remember to take time & slow down, take deep breaths, sit & play or have enough childlike curiosity about the world around us. We feel rushed when it comes to our every day grind. Afterwards we then look back & reflect on missed opportunities and regrets. So together lets come up with a game plan to capture your story + tell your adventure!

My passion for design + photography fuels my creative inspiration for capturing great photography. Having a professional graphic design background allows me to frame the world around me by capturing your session in a unique + creative way. I would love to be a part of your storytelling adventure. As a lifestyle photographer I am inspired to capture glimpses of stolen moments that make you smile. Secret kisses you sneak in when you think no one else is looking or the inside jokes you tell each other to make the other person giddy . I see these spontaneous moments of deep personal connection & hope that each frame captured will take your breath away when you look back at these memorable photos.

YOLO : a great cup of latte / cute animals to cuddle / dream in creamy bokeh + live for capturing great creative photos of stolen moments that take your breath away

-  alice



Made in the Philippines and mostly assembled in Washington, as a child I was always deconstructing objects to try and figure out how they work. This curiosity never left me growing up. My formal training is in Art and Design. Photography is one of the passions I share with my wife. I am fascinated by space, geometry and the story it tells. I believe that spaces can really invoke an emotional feeling. When you capture people in the right environment it can set a strong context for the background of their story you tell through the lens.

-  rhandy